We have Recycling every Thursdays. I am able to balance Recycling with Badminton Varsity quite well.
I am slowly remembering the routes and the houses we are suppose to collect Recycling from. I have been able to work with new people as well. I can tell them what houses were suppose to go to when Ahniyah is not able to attend the club. It's great to see how many houses to take part in recycling. However many houses also don't. I am not able to attend the club till 4pm because I have to rush back to school to make it to the bus for Badminton. However I am there collecting Recyclables from each of the houses until 3:45-ish then I RUN back to school.
Ms. Calimlim was talking to me earlier if I wanted to be a part of making an area where Recyclables can just be thrown and later be sent and recycled. I told her yes I did want to be part of that and she would later on fill me in because I am unable to make their Tuesday meetings. With Yearbook Club and Production. This is great that they are planning a system to have a more efficient way for people to recycle. Since my goal is to learn how to extend recycling ideas in university this will be great for me to have ideas on what work and what doesn't.
I feel like a better person in my contribution to the environment, even if it's a small one.
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