Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Smash Club: Final Reflection

This semester of Smash Club has definitely helped improve my skills in badminton.
I was able to notice that I learned how to place my shots a little bit. I'm obviously
still a beginner and I need to keep practicing to become better. Working and getting
to know other people this semester was nice because they were able to teach me 
new things such as the things I needed to work on to get better.

They mentioned footwork a lot.

I even noticed that I have bad footwork.

This was definitely a huge challenge for me. Whenever we had club I'd try to remind myself FOOTWORK, work on your footwork. I believe I have gotten a little bit better on the footwork I'm not everywhere around the court as I use to be. I never gave up and I even now I still don't give up. 

I'm so thankful for the fact that with working with these new people I was able to really push myself.

I'm not very good at being on time to things. However with Club I was able to write things down on sticky
notes to remind myself that I have to be at certain clubs at certain times.

I was never late for club because I wanted to join the badminton varsity team later on. I needed to show
that I was always on time and dependable. I really love badminton and I'm sure it shows when I talk about
the sport and when I was at club.

I'm so glad I did Badminton because I was able to relieve my stress after a long day of school and I was
able to improve my skills. I've also gotten better in time management than I was before. 

Overall, I believe that smash club caused me to push myself on time management, undertaking the challenge
of footwork, and allowed me to work with others. (learned some new tricks)

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